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What is a test case?

    • 10 сообщения
    4 декабря 2023 г., 1:16:03 PST

    A test case is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester will determine whether a system or application under test works as intended. It consists of a set of steps, preconditions, and expected outcomes. The primary purpose of a test case is to validate that a specific aspect of the software, such as a feature or function, behaves as expected.

    Key components of a test case include:

    1. Test Case Identifier:

      • A unique identifier or name for the test case, often used for reference and organization.
    2. Description:

      • A brief description or summary of the purpose of the test case, outlining what is being tested.
    3. Preconditions:

      • Conditions or requirements that must be satisfied before the test case can be executed. These ensure that the system is in a specific state before testing begins.
    4. Test Steps:

      • Detailed instructions or actions that the tester should perform to execute the test. Each step is a specific action or input.
    5. Expected Result:

      • The anticipated outcome or behavior that the tester expects to observe after executing the test steps. This is often based on the system's specifications or requirements.
    6. Actual Result:

      • The observed outcome or behavior recorded by the tester after executing the test steps. This is filled in during or after the test execution.
    7. Status:

      • Indicates the current status of the test case (e.g., Pass, Fail, Not Executed). This status is updated based on the observed results during testing.
    8. Priority:

      • Indicates the relative importance or urgency of the test case. Prioritization helps focus testing efforts on critical functionalities.
    9. Test Data:

      • Specific data inputs or conditions required for the test case. This helps ensure repeatability and consistency in test execution.
    10. Attachments:

      • Additional documents or resources attached to the test case, such as screenshots, logs, or supporting materials.

    Test cases are an integral part of the testing documentation and are created based on the requirements and design specifications of the software. They serve as a guide for testers to systematically validate different aspects of the application and provide a means to ensure that the software meets specified criteria.

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