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How Does K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) Algorithm Work?

    • 10 сообщения
    6 февраля 2024 г., 2:26:00 PST

    The k-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm uses a basic but effective machine-learning technique to classify and solve regression tasks. It's part of the category of learning based on instances or lazy learning because it does not explicitly train a model during the learning phase. Instead, it records the entire training data set and then makes predictions based on the similarity between the newly created instances and the previous data points. Data Science Course in Pune

    Here's a detailed description of how the KNN algorithm operates:

    Basic Concept:

    The basic idea of KNN is to determine the k data points within the set of training data that is most similar to the test's instance and then to make predictions based on the major classes (for classification) or the mean amount (for regression) of these k neighbors.

    Distance Metric:

    The selection of the distance metric is vital in KNN because it is the determining factor in how the algorithm evaluates the degree of similarity between two data points. The most commonly used distance metric is the Euclidean distance, however, other alternatives include the Manhattan distance Minkowski distance, as well as other distances. Distance metrics are generally determined by the nature of the data as well as the particular issue to be solved.

    Training Phase:

    Contrary to many other machine-learning methods, KNN doesn't have a conventional training phase. Instead, during "training," the algorithm simply records the entire data set and stores every data point and the respective labels.

    Prediction Phase:

    If a new instance has been classified or anticipated in any way, the algorithm calculates the distance between this new instance and all the data points of the training set by using the distance metric chosen. The algorithm then chooses the k-nearest neighbors based on these distances.


    When it comes to classification, KNN predicts the class of the new instance based on the largest class of its k-nearest neighbors. This is usually achieved by the use of a voting system, which means that every neighbor "votes" for its class, and the one with the highest number of votes is the class prediction.


    In the case of regression tasks, KNN predicts the value to be used in the new case by taking the values it is aiming for with its closest neighbors.

    Selecting the Value of k:

    The selection in the parameters of k (the amount of neighboring neighbors that the algorithm will take into account) is crucial in KNN. A lower value for k can make the algorithm more susceptible to noise. A greater value can result in better decision boundaries but may miss local patterns. The best value for k is determined by the particular issue and the dataset and is usually established by cross-validation.

    Advantages of KNN:

    1. Simple: KNN is easy to comprehend and use.
    2. Aucune Training Period: The lack of an instructional phase could be beneficial in situations in which the information is always changing or when new cases are added frequently. Data Science Course in Pune

    Limitations of KNN:

    1. Cost of Computing: As the dataset expands the computational cost of computing distances between the new instance and the rest of the data points increases.
    2. The Sensitivity of Noise KNN may be sensitive to noise or irrelevant elements, which can affect the accuracy of predictions.
    3. The need for feature scaling: The algorithm is sensitive to the size of features, which is why it's usually required to standardize or normalize the data.

    Use Cases:

    KNN is widely used in a variety of fields, such as:

    • Image Recognition Recognizing similar pictures by pixels.
    • Recommendation System: Recommending items based on the preferences of the user.
    • Anomaly Recognition: Identifying unusual patterns in data.

    In the end, the k-nearest neighbors algorithm is a flexible and easy technique that can be utilized for both regression and classification tasks. Although it does have its drawbacks its simplicity and efficiency make it an effective instrument in the machine learning toolbox, specifically for data that is small or medium in size with distinct patterns. Understanding the underlying principles of KNN is essential for those who want to make educated decisions regarding its use in various situations.